Organize, Simplify, Lighten your Load: in Austin Texas
"Shan helped me make my home more serene, like I'd always wanted it to be. She helped me make a list of priorities and identify 3 areas that would change my life if they were to be redone. We worked daily in 4 hour increments, and the progress became contagious throughout my home. Shan made what was an overwhelming process exciting; and the work we did together freed up physical and emotional space to let more beauty into my life. Thank you Shan!"
Suzanne Sugar 3/12/2018
"Just had a day with Shans decluttering service. Exactly what I needed to jumpstart my Spring cleaning. Totally recommended!
I'm a recovering mini hoarder and this helped me so much! We organized into categories first: keep, throw, & to give away. Then we pared down to pictures, keepsakes, and paperwork. I really like how she didn't impose any guilt on me to throw or give anything away. She let me make all the decisions. I ended up with 3 bags of trash and 3 bags of give aways - and a place for everything.
Thank you so much Shannon.
Penni Wood 2/11/ 2018